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Pièces & Moteurs Diesel
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+ Industrie
+ Groupes Électrogènes
+ Agricole
+ Voitures sans Permis ( VSP )
All manufacturers’ names, numbers, symbols and descriptions are for reference only. It is not implied that any part is the product of the manufacturer. Lombardini® is a registered trademark, part of Kohler Co.’s Global Power Group.
Pièces , Moteurs & Service
Parts, Engines & Service
Diesel Engines & Parts
Construction / Industrial / Gensets / Agri. Applications
Complete range of diesel engines parts and complete new engines. A single source for all your LOMBARDINI® KOHLER® diesel engines.

Large choix de pièces et de solutions pour la réparation de vos moteurs diesel LOMBARDINI® KOHLER® pour vos applications TP, Industrie et Agricoles.
Complete range of parts and solutions for fixing your LOMBARDINI® KOHLER® diesel engines.
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